Offene Sprechstunde!
Di. 15.00-16.30, Mi. 8.00-9.00, (neu) und Fr. 14.00-15.30 Uhr.
Hier erhalten Sie Soforthilfe bei akuten Beschwerden, vor allem bei Schmerzuständen im Bewegungsapparat wie Ischialgie, Lumbalgie (sog. Hexenschuss), Schulter-Arm-Syndrom etc.
Sie müssen nicht Wochen auf einen Termin warten, sondern werden direkt untersucht und behandelt.
Immer Dienstags 15.00 bis 16.3, Mittwoch 8.00 bis 9.00 und Freitags 14.00 bis 15-30 Uhr - bitte beachten Sie die Ansagen auf dem Anrufbeantworter.
Eine Anmeldung ist unbedingt erforderlich. Es reicht aber aus, eine Nachricht auf dem Anrufbeantworter zu hinterlassen oder eine Mail zu schreiben. Wir melden uns nur zurück falls die Sprechstunde nicht stattfindet.
Die offene Sprechstunde macht der Oliver Kuhlmeyer.
Aktuelle Therapieberichte und ein großes Badetuch. MRT- oder Röntgen-CD´s nicht.
Generell ist die offene Sprechstunde für akute Probleme gedacht. Oft ist es aber auch sinnvoll sich die Probleme anzuschauen, um schnellst möglich mit der richtigen Behandlung beginnen zu können und evtl. schon etwas Linderung zu erfahren.
Treatment duration depends on your diagnosis, the severity of your impairments, your past medical history, and other factors. Re-evaluations will be done to assess your progress and your therapist communicates with your physician to help you achieve your therapy goals.
We sees and treats patient for a wide range of conditions and diagnoses. Please visit our Services for an extensive list of conditions and diagnoses we see patients for.
Physical Therapy at Physio is proud to have 20 physical and occupational therapists on staff who have obtained and achieved advanced certifications in orthopedics, sports, hand therapy, manual therapy, and pedorthics.
We will check with your health insurance provide to determine if outpatient physical therapy services are covered under your plan. We recommend that you confirm your insurance coverage.
Call the facility in which you go to for all your regular appointments. You may also call our administration office at + 123 556 7890.
Treatment duration depends on your diagnosis, the severity of your impairments, your past medical history, and other factors. Re-evaluations will be done to assess your progress and your therapist communicates with your physician to help you achieve your therapy goals.
We sees and treats patient for a wide range of conditions and diagnoses. Please visit our Services for an extensive list of conditions and diagnoses we see patients for.
Physical Therapy at Physio is proud to have 20 physical and occupational therapists on staff who have obtained and achieved advanced certifications in orthopedics, sports, hand therapy, manual therapy, and pedorthics.
We will check with your health insurance provide to determine if outpatient physical therapy services are covered under your plan. We recommend that you confirm your insurance coverage.
Call the facility in which you go to for all your regular appointments. You may also call our administration office at + 123 556 7890.
Treatment duration depends on your diagnosis, the severity of your impairments, your past medical history, and other factors. Re-evaluations will be done to assess your progress and your therapist communicates with your physician to help you achieve your therapy goals.
We sees and treats patient for a wide range of conditions and diagnoses. Please visit our Services for an extensive list of conditions and diagnoses we see patients for.
Physical Therapy at Physio is proud to have 20 physical and occupational therapists on staff who have obtained and achieved advanced certifications in orthopedics, sports, hand therapy, manual therapy, and pedorthics.
We will check with your health insurance provide to determine if outpatient physical therapy services are covered under your plan. We recommend that you confirm your insurance coverage.
Call the facility in which you go to for all your regular appointments. You may also call our administration office at + 123 556 7890.